Getting the Rocket Off The Ground
Sometimes, getting started in something new can seem like a very frustrating experience: you spend a lot of time and energy building the foundations of your business/career/whatever, and yet there doesn’t seem much to show for your efforts. Whilst there are genuine ways to build a business, often people think that they require a large initial upfront financial outlay that is beyond people’s cashflow, and there’s no guarantee that you’ll have the technical skills needed to make such high octane methods actually work.
I’m not saying that it’s not possible – you just need to be careful that you don’t try & get the rocket off the ground before it’s ready. If you think of all the preparation that goes into a typical rocket launch – the number of people involved, the careful preparation, the seeming endless checking & re-checking, maybe it’ll help you from letting impatience get the better of the sober judgment that can be all too easily thrown out of the window for the sake of some possible shortcut.
Most of the fatal historical space missions were, after all, much to do with people trying to take shortcuts. So don’t you fall into the same trap when considering amazing opportunities.
Don’t skip on the preparation. It may seem slow, and sometimes it’s hard to maintain your focus when you don’t see the outcome of your efforts soon, but remember that the most amazing things take the longest to build. Or get to the launch phase, ready for take-off.
Lastly, (as I’m a physicist by training!) – don’t forget that the rocket has the most mass at launch…it only starts really accelerating once quite a bit of the fuel has been used…then things start to change at an amazing pace 🙂