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Offline Snatcher – How to Find & Grab Hot Offline Leads Using YouTube


So how can Offline Snatcher help Me?

Quick Answer: Because this is a method that really does help you find offline clients very easily.

See the next section below to find out more.

So, what's in Offline Snatcher, then? Tell me more!

Module 1: The Offline Snatcher Blueprint

– Learn this simple blueprint to finding the leads (works in UK, USA, Canada, Australia, Sweden & Spain) 

– Discover how you can prize out:

*The FRESHEST leads (these are the HOTTEST businesses)

*Leads with the fattest marketing budgets

*Businesses sorted via category

*Businesses sorted via Location

Module 2: Setting Up Your Freemium Service(s)

*Step by step instructions of suggested services to offer businesses

*Out-tasking strategies and recommendations

*Details of other services you can offer

Module 3: Closing The Deal

*Simple techniques you can use to increase the closing rate:

*The “Fight for the food” method

*The “S.M.S.” method (not mobile messaging !)

*The “Expert media” method

*The “Fight for the food” method

Module 4: Upsell Strategies

*What services to combine to increase your profit margin

*Simple ideas on the Sales Funnel

(great for beginners, but experienced markters will already be doing these)

*The ONE service you MUST be offering businesses right now (and it's not Fanpages, though I do talk about them too  )



Originally Posted by ShaneWilliams View Post

When you were generous enough to allow me a sneak peek into this, I was expecting it to have some content for sure, but nothing like this.

You have a great teaching style and make it super simple for anyone of any level to jump on this.

The mods are packed and I LOVE the summary section you provide below each video….makes for very easy access when you need to go back and review.

Thanks for all the relative links you provide, and especially your Closing The Deal and Upsell Strategiessections!

I'm not going to go into major detail because there's no reason to spill this method. It is wise investment for anyone involved in offline at all.

The proceeds are going to a much needed cause. You are a super guy for looking out for your fellow neighbors on this planet.

Way to go Dez….you hit a homer with this one


Originally Posted by DaveOffen View Post
You can tell who is genuinely working "in the trenches". If you take a look at some of Dez's posts in othersWSO's you will see that he ask searching questions of the product owners, and lots of little tips n tricks in other posts.

And, if you know someone is walking the walk, you can be sure that the strategies shared are tried and tested.

And these strategies are VERY cool. Not only are the leads Red Hot, but they'rereally FRESH too!

So couple the lead gen strategies with Dez's follow up training and you're on a sure fire winner.

Apparently this is Dez's first WSO… It's put together beautifully, like a seasoned pro.

Awesome job mate!

Originally Posted by defaultuser View Post
Hey Dez!

Wow. I have been bursting at the seams in excitement to talk about this course. We know by now that all great ideas are simple ones.

This idea is not just brilliant, but quite simple and to be honest, elegant.

And profit going to charity to boot?

Get on this, help the needy, use the information, and make some money.

Sounds like a great idea to me!

Originally Posted by John Trader View Post
Super-simple method for finding hot leads in offline business. I mean really simple, easy to implement and easy to follow through. That's the first video in module 1. If you're an experienced marketer, you could stop right there and be good to go — and have another very effective leads-gen method to add to your client-getting arsenal. But that's the course's *starting* point… The course is 4 complete modules

After you learn the basic Offline Snatcher Blueprint, Dez shares detailed strategies to less experienced marketers or simply marketers who want an over-the-shoulder view of someone who's already "doing it." How to avoid cold calling the business, how to approach, services to offer, outsourcing ideas… Some of this will be familiar but overall a very useful WSO. Information provided for US, UK, Australian and many other markets. 

*there was a slight glitch on the background audio for a couple of the videos but in a brief chat with Dez he noted that he was already aware of it and would be uploading the fix momentarily. (Fantastic customer service, BTW.)
If you're an offline marketer who wants to add more clients to your business, you will find useful strategies and practical hands-on steps to follow. His course is a recommend.

Dez Futak