Global Recession

No Need to Preach to the Converted…

%CODE1% The message of the above video is surely that with the advent of the MIT (Media Interwoven Trio) of Facebook, YouTube…

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Google Fiber – "Embrace and Extend"?

If you’ve been hanging around the IT world for a while, you might know that at one point (and maybe they still…

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So What Does Google Do Now??

    Google is in a tricky place at the moment – some would say a rock & hard place, perhaps. China,…

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Where Has All The Money Gone?

Back in October 2008, I remember listening in to a call with guest speaker Robert Kiyosaki, who as early as 2002 had…

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How do you see Yourself?

In a mirror? Ok, joking aside – it is meant to be a serious question. One of my children produced  this great…

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Work on your own? No way!

[flv: 480 360] The story of Jay Kubassek & Aaron Parkinson is one worth knowing: how they came from relative obscurity, to…

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Robert Kiyosaki on The CashFlow Quadrant

Back in October of last year I posted an article about Robert Kiyosaki, and his recommendations for surviving the global economic recession:…

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Dez Futak