Business Entrepreneur Internet Marketing Leadership Mindset Personal Development

The Ethics Of Affiliate Marketing

Recently, a well known internet marketer (Eric Holmlund), was contacted by a disgruntled customer, who had been ripped off by someone Eric had previously recommended.

Eric’s response was an example to the whole internet marketing community.

In essence, Eric brought the difficult situation right out into the open to sound out his subscribers (myself included), and to highlight some of the potential problems that affiliate marketer can encounter. Eric asked the internet marketing community what they thought would be the best course of action: should he compensate the client who was ripped off, or not? Was Eric responsible for someone else’s bad business practises (ie the copywriter who didn’t deliver) or not?

You can read final outcome of the whole shenanigans here. All I will say, is that Eric Holmlund is a top-rate internert marketer who I respect and endorse. If you want to know anything about online marketing, then do visit his blog at






Dez Futak