
Twitter Quitters

I’ve just joined in the comments on Pete Cashmore’s (aka @mashable ) site about Twitter Quitters – people who give up Twitter so soon after joining; here’s my comment to Simon:

simonth:Twitter is about sharing news. If you have no news to share or to find, you will find Twitter uninteresting. Unlike Myspace and Facebook, these has multiple features to cater to wide range of users.

me: Very well articulated Simon – I see Twitter very much as information/news-sharing service much more than a friendship platform & am happy with it being used in that manner on me as well as me interacting with others in that way.

simonth:Though the recent mass adoption of Twitter is encouraging, I will prefer to have a >quality group of users instead of high quantity of users. This news of high percentage >of quitters is good news.

me: Fair enough – but if you want to get a sense of what a large number of people are up to, or you want to reach a large number of people, Twitter is *way* easier to do that with than Facebook/MySpace etc, as it’s so *quick*…so I’m after volume on Twitter as much as possible & not so bothered with that on Facebook. After all, the number of things you can “do” on Facebook is massive, extending the depth of communication many many times, but the simplicity of Twitter is the most appealing thing for me.

Also, someone else on mashable’s blog mentioned how there might be a tendency of twitter users to start rather slowly – that’s certainly the case for me..I didn’t really get going with Twitter until November 2008…I know I’ve reached the point of no return now, as I see myself providing & gaining value from the service in so many ways.

Dez Futak