If you’re a regular reader of this Blog, you’ll know that I regularly comment on topics such as marketing, the world economy, finance – anything which affects offline & online business.
What I haven’t told you much about is the business I’m involved with.
Mostly because I want to share the wider picture, not just what I’m doing.
But let me be straight for a second: I’m online to make money.
“And what” you might ask, “are you selling?”.
Well, it’s simple: I’m selling information. Specifically, two types of information.
One will help any offline business gain the effective marketing skills to get new clients, so it can grow despite the recession.
The other is information which will help any business to gain the skills it needs to manage its own financial investments. Think: “how to be your own fund manager, investment advisor, and wealth creation expert”.
Why did I choose these niches and not others?
Well, it was unintentional. Originally I was just looking for a way to earn money online. And I found the community that I’m now part of, which has enabled me to gain a whole gamut of skills apart from “just” online marketing.
As it turns out, there are a lot – and I mean a huge number – of people out there who are wanting to learn these skills. These are the sorts of people who are self-motivated, focused individuals who for whatever reason, aren’t satisfied with the way things are.
Let me throw a number at you for a second. I recently heard Eban Pagan teaching (online, of course!) about just how big the information industry has now become.
Here are some staggering statistics he gave:
…so you can see, there is a thriving, exploding market mushrooming right under your nose.
Whilst traditional business models are floundering with narrow profit margins, high overheads, and no time leverage, much of the above operates 24/7 (yes, even whilst you’re asleep) in hundreds of countries, simultaneously.
So if you are looking for a way out of the rat-race, or just looking for a way to leverage your time (so you can do the things that you really want to do, when you want to do them), there is simply no better time to learn the skills required to become a master of online business, in one, or more niches.
Now I’m not saying you can become rich overnight (it certainly hasn’t happened that way for me, at least) – what I can say for certain is that once you have these skills, you can really begin to leverage them, and get paid, even when you sleep.
If that’s not an attractive business model, I don’t know what is.
To find out more about the training I’m involved with, fill in your details here.