Dez Futak

helping businesses, entrepreneurs and individuals increase their cashflow
white robot near brown wall

Open Source Alternatives to ChatGPT & Bard will Overtake Big Tech’s Solutions Very Soon

SUMMARY/TL;DR A leaked Google document suggests that the company’s efforts to build the most powerful language models are being rapidly eclipsed by the work…

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a computer chip with the word gat printed on it

AI Is Evolving Faster Than You Think….

One of my favourite Youtuber’s recently release an astonishing overview of how rapidly AI is evolving; you can watch it here:  …

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Dig your well before you're thirtsy

Why Starting a Side Hustle is a Good Idea

Why Starting a Side Hustle is a Good Idea So, why start a “side hustle” in the first place? And what exactly is…

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the art of negotiating

Conducting Effective Negotiations

Effectively negotiating with other people is, without any doubt, one of the highest-level skills we can develop in our personal & business…

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Accelerate your business growth

How to Accelerate Your Business with the Hero’s Journey

What has the “Hero’s Journey” got to do with business growth? According to Mark Janusewski (aka “The World’s Laziest Networker”) – a lot!

Find out more here….

Read More… – what a simple innovation

The best innovations are sometimes both simple to grasp, elegant in the solution they create, and almost always obvious in retrospect. PayPal’s…

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State pension cash set to run out? Time for a different type of pension!

Just saw this today: Build your own pension with time instead of money – click here to find out how This quote…

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Want to Know About Text Marketing? Schedule a FREE 30 Minute Consultation

Text: youtubeusa to 4042208111 (USA-Canada) or youtubeuk to 02033221176 to schedule a FREE 30 minute sms marketing consultation with me….

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Twilio Sms in the UK – Now LIVE!

Twilio sms in the UK is now live! I've been using  Twilio sms since last November, and in December of last year I…

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Super Easy Tube Traffic Review

  Super Easy Tube Traffic is a great introduction on how to use YouTube to create content that is of value to…

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Dez Futak