
Are you Ready to Handle Dynamite?


  • Running your own business can be a bit like becoming an explosives expert, especially in the realm of handling money.
  • You need the right training, skills and help to use the money wisely and powerfully.

My wife was chatting with me earlier on today about my business, and she came out with this statement, which has stuck with me ever since:

“Handling money is a bit like being able to handle dynamite. It’s a very powerful tool, but you need to use it wisely, so you can do things like quarrying for diamonds, or making amazing shapes in mountainsides. Otherwise you’ll get hurt.”

This is a very pithy summary of a long conversation we had together, which came on the back of a new business venture I’ve recently embarked upon. My wife is my personal & primary business coach – she often has profound insights which help me avoid driving off the side of a cliff at high speed (oblivious to the dangers I hasten to add – not because I’ve had enough!!).

In our personal and working lives, we all need something larger than ourselves – often times business owners will form mastermind groups, where new creative ideas can flow synergistically.

Wherever we’re at in our working or business life, we undoubtedly need human relationships as a more profound basis for meaning and fulfilment. But we also need expertise and training alongside those more personal needs.

If you want to handle dynamite, you’ll need advice and support, and on-going training.

To find out more about where I get mine, click here.

Dez Futak