
Fight From Victory, Not For Victory

What exactly does it mean to fight from victory? Put in another phrase, and it’s clearer: Fight from a position of victory….

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Goodbye Technology Revolution. Hello Information Revolution

If you’re a regular reader of this Blog, you’ll know that I regularly comment on topics such as marketing, the world economy,…

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The Global Economic Meltdown?

New York Stock Exchange – City fears of ‘Great Depression Mark II’ Photo: REUTERS Edmund Conway, the Times Newspaper Economics Editor, reported…

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MainStreet Marketing Machines (MSMM): Your Biz in a Box

MainStreet Marketing Machines (MSMM) is explained above by Mike Koenigs, in which he shows how you can use his video marketing system…

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The Internet: A million ways to earn a million dollars

Don’t get me wrong – making money on the internet can be a big challenge (as my family knows all too well!)….

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CCPRO University Explained

CCPRO University is the latest incarnation of internet marketing training available for any individual or business owner wanting to learn how to…

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Are You an Artisan or a Hack?

In his book The War of Art, Steven Pressfield outlines and fleshes out the battle of creativity and artistry that any entrepreneur…

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Make The Goal of Your Business to Be Awesome

Chris Pearson is a great model of what business should be like: he is using his skills to help others. Not only…

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Who Are You Writing For – Search Engines or Readers?

I think you know the answer to the above question – this is a marketing blog, after all! Before I give the…

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Integrity in Business

First Published in ArticlesBase Why Integrity Matters Integrity, as author Dr Henry Cloud says in his groundbreaking book of the same title,…

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Dez Futak