So, why start a “side hustle” in the first place? And what exactly is a side hustle anyway? And can I run this alongside my normal day job?
Before I answer Read more
The best innovations are sometimes both simple to grasp, elegant in the solution they create, and almost always obvious in retrospect.
PayPal’s “” idea ticks all 3 checkboxes, providing individuals, startups and solopreneurs alike with a quick and easy Read more
Just saw this today:
This quote takes things a step further:
The report’s author, Michael Johnson, has suggested that the end of the Read more
If you’re a regular reader of this Blog, you’ll know that I regularly comment on topics such as marketing, the world economy, finance – anything which affects offline & online business.
What I haven’t told you much about is Read more
Google is in a tricky place at the moment – some would say a rock & hard place, perhaps. China, on the other hand, has all aces on the table, making it clear that it reckons it Read more
Back in October 2008, I remember listening in to a call with guest speaker Robert Kiyosaki, who as early as 2002 had seen the writing on the economic wall.
He warned of a global economic downturn so substantial – Read more
What should you do to avoid the slide into poverty through forced redundancy?
How will you manage your debt when your income looks set to become uncertain?
These and many other questions are undoubtedly being asked by many people Read more
Back in October of last year I posted an article about Robert Kiyosaki, and his recommendations for surviving the global economic recession:
“He believes that this is actually a time more serious than just a recession: a global depression Read more