Mobile Marketing – what a simple innovation

The best innovations are sometimes both simple to grasp, elegant in the solution they create, and almost always obvious in retrospect. PayPal’s…

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Want to Know About Text Marketing? Schedule a FREE 30 Minute Consultation

Text: youtubeusa to 4042208111 (USA-Canada) or youtubeuk to 02033221176 to schedule a FREE 30 minute sms marketing consultation with me….

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Twilio Sms in the UK – Now LIVE!

Twilio sms in the UK is now live! I've been using  Twilio sms since last November, and in December of last year I…

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Social Media? How About Mobile Marketing?

I was going to keep quiet about this. But I'm spilling the beans about mobile marketing instead. The reason? Well, just as…

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Dez Futak