I’ve recently started a new job, alongside my teaching career. The intention is to use some of the holidays that don’t coincide with family time to grow business gradually over time.
One of the things I’m doing is direct selling – and it’s amazing how people find it hard to say no when they’re not interested in what you’re selling; usually people seem to be coding what they mean with the ‘life is too busy & I haven’t had time….’ addage.
My wife & I recently found out about the life of Chris Gardner, whose tenacity (he would say desperation I guess) helped him rise above the circumstances in his life to the point where he is now able to choose what he does with his precious time. I found Chris’ story very powerful. He basically had many valid reasons for not succeeding in life – a violent & alcoholic step-father who hated him, and a mum who’d been in prison twice. His life after he was booted out his home was also very challenging, but his mum’s belief in him, and at arguably the darkest period, his faith in God, helped him through. His story is full of his humanity – his mistakes, struggles and eventual successes.
Sometimes when life is hard, stressful, or just too busy, it’s all too easy to batten down the hatches, and get into survival mentality – maybe there are time when it really is necessary just to prevent us from cracking under the strain. But we mustn’t stay under the covers for too long for fear of dreaming once again. I believe we’ve only got one shot at this life, and God (the biggest and best dreamer of all) has ideas & plans for us that are way outside the box. And maybe our comfort zones. But Chris Gardner’s life has shown me that it isn’t always meant to be unbelievably tough, even though sometimes it can be. If we don’t give up on ourselves, each other and God, then great things are possible. Busy? maybe yes – but not too busy so that we forget where we’re ultimately heading. That’s a challenge for me at this stage of my life, but I really want to hang in there, and see what God has in store in this great journey called life, because I believe that if I don’t let go, there will be a much more lasting and fruitful outcome – not just for me, but my family, and maybe wider.
Email me in 12 months and ask me how I’m getting on.