The power of networking with social media & video – how I got Dan Ariely to leave a comment on my blog (unintentionally!)
The video is *really* quiet, so turn up your speakers to full 🙂
Dan Ariely's book Predictably Irrational is a superb dive into the psychology behind why people make the buying decisions that they do, and I thoroughly enjoyed reading it at the beginning of 2011.
What is more interesting is that I inadvertently attracted his attention – he wrote a comment on my Mad Web Scientist – which is pretty cool in my books.
So what if you intentionally used this strategy? It might just work, particularly if you did a whole string of short videos detailing your thoughts on a particular author's work.
Now, have a think why that might be useful attention to get, and write your thoughts below, in the comments section.
A bientot!