Business Entrepreneur Personal Development

What's Inside Your Head?

Aaron Parkinson & Jay Kubassek hosting their annual ’10 for 10′ conference in New York City.

What do you Hope to Achieve in Your Life?

Although the above video is all but a small snapshot of motivational training, the Carbon Copy Pro team enable the average business person to become a true entrepreneur. But more than that, they empower anyone who wants to, to find a bigger purpose in life.

It’s not that money isn’t useful – it’s more that it enables things to happen. Whilst this is an obvious point, it’s so often missed by wannabe business owners who are breaking free from an employee mindset. The initial almost euphoric rush associated with having more money than you know what to do with can soon be replaced with concerns that come with being wealthy. Unless you have a bigger purpose.

If you don’t have a bigger purpose – if your goal is merely to replace your employers income, or to have lots of money so you can show how good you are, the wealth will corrode your character, and diminish it.

That’s what Jay & Aaron are most concerned about in the people they are training. The last thing they want is a bunch of people who end up worse that they were before they had financial independence. Carbon Copy Pro is committed to helping people to become more than just financially independent.

They want to inspire people to become leaders who will shape the world for the better.

And it all starts with what inside our heads.

What are you wanting to do with what remains of your life? Do you have as yet unfulfilled goals? Do you have a practical method to fulfill them?

But more than that, are you ready to allow what’s inside your head to be changed? Because without that change, we remain stuck where we are.

If you want to see some things change around you, then maybe you can be part of the solution.

If you’re willing to do what it takes, find out more here.

But please don’t click if you don’t want to see change happen, or you’re just in it for the money. There’s already plenty of money. What the world needs is change-makers. People who are willing to have both eyes fixed on the bigger picture of life.

Dez Futak