Letting Go Before it Matters (Because it Does Anyway)…

I had an interesting, encouraging and painful experience recently: I decided to do my annual accounts for one of my companies. It wasn’t painful for the obvious reasons, and it helped me realize the importance of the title of this article.

What am I talking about?

First: here’s the pain:

Some things I did in my company didn’t work, and I wasted money as a consequence, because of the poor decisions I made.

Here’s the encouragement:

Others activities I managed well produced a profitable result.

No big deal – every company has accountants and CFO’s to tell them this good and bad news, on an on-going basis.

So, how do these revelations relate to the title?

As you can tell from my last entry (Winners Know How to Lose Well), I’m on a journey at the moment.

I’m hungry for change.

Hungry, not so much for change around me (my circumstances), but more hungry for change within me.

I see shortcomings in my life that I no longer want to accept as an inevitable part of me. I look back at the last financial year of my main income-producing business, and see the litter of my shortcomings, and the successes of my character mixed together.

I want to let go of the things within me and within my business activities that I know that lead to loss – not just in monetary terms, but also in the effects that they have on others around me, both clients and personal relationships.

Is this a hard thing to do? You bet.

Do I need to do this? Absolutely.

Part of the art of life is learning to develop a keen sense of letting go of things that don’t work. I’m talking here much more about internal realities than external ones.


Because it matters anyway.

I’ve come to realize that if I want to be really successful in life (I prefer to use the term ‘fruitful’ but it amounts to the same thing), I must learn to let go of things sooner rather than later, because the wake of those decisions matter to me and to those around me in incalculable ways.

Why am I sharing this with you?

Well, it’s part of the nature of the fruitful aspects of my character to share with others what I know does and doesn’t work, because I know it helps others, and it also helps me.

This new decade started with a muted beginning, and only 12 days in many were devastated by events that literally rocked and destroyed their world.

But the reality is that there are events that happen within ourselves on a daily basis that can lead to our survival, growth and success, or our ultimate loss, if we choose not heed their lessons.

"Letting go before it matters" is really about making decisions to change and remove those things within me before the external consequences of those character flaws become so overwhelmingly obvious that it becomes too challenging to solve the problems that arise in their wake.

And in my business, it means deciding not to do things that although might seem good, actually limit my capacity to do those things that might become great.

So I’m on a journey. And I want to share it with those who are willing to walk with me in this process.

If that’s you, contact me, or comment below, and let’s begin the conversation together.


Dez Futak
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