
Paypal.me – what a simple innovation

The best innovations are sometimes both simple to grasp, elegant in the solution they create, and almost always obvious in retrospect. PayPal’s…

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How to Overcome Obstacles and Turn Them into Summits

If you know me well, you'll be aware that I can be like a Rottweiler when it comes to solving challenges. Now…

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Mark Hoverson's Info Marketing Blueprint Review & Bonus

Click on the following link to get more info about Mark Hoverson's Info Marketing Blueprint http://Dezfutak.com/infomark/ Mark Hoverson's Information Marketing Blueprint is…

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Gary Vaynerchuk: It's time for The No BS, Authentic Home Business Entrepreneur

I have huge respect for Gary Vaynerchuk – he is about 10 years ahead of the curve in terms of online business…

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What it Takes to be a Winner

You already know the score here: dedication, perseverance, persistance, consistency. OK, end of blog post, let's just get on with it. Obviously…

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The Five C's of Great Leadership

Martin Luther King Jr’s legacy lives on, many generations over since his life and untimely death. In this brief article, I outline…

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Do You Want to Change the World? Understand and Implement Tribal Leadership

  Summary of Video We all exist in tribes; it’s part of being a human being A tribe consists of a group…

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When Performance-Related Pay Doesn't Work

Summary of video Incentivization only improves performance for simple tasks that have a simple series of procedures to reach the desired outcome….

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Swimming With The Sharks

Swimming with the Sharks – Part 1 Swimming with the Sharks – Part 2 Jonathan Miller is not only smart, he’s also…

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Playing The Game to Win

I’m writing this less than an hour after England won against Slovenia in the 2010 Soccer World Cup. So, how did England…

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Dez Futak