The Millionaire Mindset


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I love the stories that Tony Robbins, Frank Kern and John Reese tell in the videos I mention in the above clip.

All three come from humble beginnings:

Tony was a janitor

Frank sold cash machines for shops

John worked in a video store.

If they looked at their circumstances they would have never had every reason to think that they were never going to aspire to anything great.

So what changed?

Very simple: Mindset.

They all worked on what goes on between their ears.

And they didn’t give up until their dreams were realized.

Their hidden secret?


They knew that if they just kept going, sooner or later their visions would happen.

By the way, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out how big the vision had to be be: BIG.

It seems that we all too easily believe the lie that life’s knocks are meant to help us rid ourselves of child-like dreams.

Whereas, in fact, life’s knocks are meant to help us find the diamonds in the tonne of coal that surrounds them in each one of us.

And the knocks must continue until the diamonds are found.

If you don’t relish the prospect of the pain that you have to go through to get to that point, then maybe that’s because you’ve let others, or even yourself, shape a small vision or no vision mindset.

But what if you chose to embrace the pain?

What if you decided to accept that the inevitable pains of this life are there to focus your attention on what really matters.

I’m hungry to find the diamonds. Sure, I don’t like the pain. It hurts.

But for every bruise to my ego, I see more clearly the diamonds being slowly revealed.

And when I glimpse at the diamonds, I see the most amazing colors, patterns and almost unimaginable pictures of what like could be like.

So I’ve decided to keep going until all the coal is gone and just the diamonds remain.

That’s the journey that Frank, Tony and John have travelled on, and now they no longer have to clean toilets, sell cash machines or work in video stores.

Don’t get me wrong, there are plenty of good people who do these things.

But there are few who reach the summits of their lives, stopping short of the high views that life can bring to those who are hungry.

How about you?

Dez Futak
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