Business Entrepreneur Leadership Mindset Personal Development Productivity

Fight From Victory, Not For Victory

What exactly does it mean to fight from victory? Put in another phrase, and it’s clearer: Fight from a position of victory.

Just to clarify, I’m talking about the context of your life or business goals (and hopefully both at the same time). The reason why this is so powerful is because it acknowledges the role of your mindset as being crucial in determining the outcome.

Not for a second am I saying that skill set isn’t important, it’s rather that the results that you get from your skill set are 100% determined by your mindset.

How you think and what you think about will have an undeniably profound effect on the eventual outcome of your efforts. You may think that this is completely obvious. If that’s the case, you should congratulate yourself on being in the small 3% of people who understand the paramount importance of mindset in determining outcome.

How do you get to the place where you know you have the right attitudes and patterns of thought required for success?

Here’s a simple test: Look in the mirror. Stare at yourself for about 30 seconds, and after the 30 seconds is up, say, out loud "I know I’ve got what it takes", three times. Make a note of how you react to this.

Do you feel like a fraud, or feel derision or cynicism for doing such a strange thing? (Or even, perhaps foolishness).

Or, do you feel scared, perhaps realizing that you just don’t believe what you’ve just said. Or maybe you want to believe it, but you’re not sure how to get there.

The reason why mindset is so fundamental to outcome is because our thoughts and attitudes do shape the resulting actions more than anything else.

So, how do you get the mindset required for success in your life or business? Here are some things I’ve learned and am applying in my business:

  1. Find your core why – why do you want what you are straining for? Find what motivates you more than anything else to push through, and use your imagination (include all 5 senses if possible) to see that outcome in your mind, as if it is already real.
  2. Take measurable action every day to help you work towards that core why. If it’s in business, that should at least translate into income-producing activity. In your personal life, it could mean setting aside quality time to spend with the significant person or people around you.
  3. Mastermind with others – find a small group of others who are wanting success in their lives, and give one another permission to help, evaluate and train each other.
  4. Spend time in your own personal development – read, watch or listen to great leaders who share their story…let what they say impact you and  write it down.
  5. Commit yourself to leadership.

Lastly, you might find the following video helpful:

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