In a mirror?
Ok, joking aside – it is meant to be a serious question.
One of my children produced this great piece of graffiti art as a Christmas present for me recently. It pretty much sums up my role as a high school teacher for the last 15 years- a fun-loving & zany person who likes being a bit off-the-wall (to put it mildly!).
But my 3 kids also know that persona is only part of the picture. It’s the same for each and everyone of us.
Who we choose to be is ultimately up to us.
We can choose to be grumpy, hard-bitten by our circumstances and regretful of our mistakes.
Or, we can choose to find something to be thankful for in what we experience every day.
You might think that’s just an idealistic thing to say from someone who knows nothing about the situation that you are going through right now.
Well, it’s true: I don’t know what you are going through. But I do know this. I can choose how I respond to what’s happening. I can create my own frame of mind- some would go as far as to say, I can create my own reality.
Which ever way you want to describe it, you have a choice. Sometimes making that choice is more challenging than at other times.
But I know that I can make that choice on how I see myself, and how I see my circumstances.
They present challenges. But they also present opportunities, and it’s up to me how I play the script in my mind.
Make the new decade one in which you choose to have courage and belief in the face of your circumstances. You have the potential to become who you want to be, and to do what you want to do.
You can make it happen.
Posted by Wordmobi