Entrepreneur Internet Marketing Leadership Mindset

Who are Your Internet Marketing 'Heroes'?

Who are your Internet Marketing Heroes?This is a no-fluff, fun post! I want your feedback, so scroll to the end, past my mugshot/signature, and add your comment! If I start getting some replies, I’ll turn this into a Twitter poll, which takes about 5 seconds to do.

All you need to do is use the text below as your template & you’re good-to-go.

My Internet Marketing Heroes are (in no particular order, you understand):

  • Frank Kern
  • Jeff Johnson
  • Mike Dillard
  • Jason Fladlien
  • Eric Holmund
  • Ryan Deiss

(I always open their emails).

Reasons why:

  1. They’ve learned the art of giving before getting
  2. Their emails contain useful, actionable content that I can use without having to buy any of their stuff.

There ya’ go. That was pretty quick ‘n’ easy. Now it’s your turn 🙂

If you found this post via Twitter, also please ReTweet it using the ReTweet icon.

Dez Futak