I have huge respect for Gary Vaynerchuk – he is about 10 years ahead of the curve in terms of online business ethics and transparency, so if you're thinking about getting started in the online game, you and you haven't caught up with his books & videos, you should switch off your TV for a couple of days & grab a pen, take some notes, and write down an action plan based on your skillsets and passions.
I'm about to launch my first online training product on video marketing and video creation, and Gary makes it very clear that if you have skills that others want to benefit from, it's never been easier and cheaper to get started.
So how do you get started? Well, buy a couple of Gary's products, get yourself a simple WordPress website and start writing about your skills, offering free downloads in exchange for your email address, and then once you've got a few dozen, start asking them how you might be able to help. And, better still, hang out on the Warrior Forum, a superb place for finding out how to get started. If you have any questions, please do fill in your details on this page (or at the bottom, in the comments section).
Wishing you every success as you build your online empire,
Please add your comments & questions here!