Teachers for a Digital Age

Breakthrough Learning in a Digital Age – Session III. New Learning Designs

Breakthrough Learning in a Digital Age – Session IV: Teachers for a Digital Age

Summary of Videos

  • The technology of 2010 provides all of us with the ability to learn in a way that has never previously been possible
  • Schools need to become part of an inter-connected network of learning that is seen as a seemless whole
  • Early language development is one of the keys to undergird any significant shift forward in facilitating this interconnectivity
  • There is a systemic friction between the innovative use that many teachers want to use in the classroom, and the pressures they feel to comply with externally-imposed, and sometimes anachronistic validation
  • Schools in their current set-up cannot expect to survive much longer in the current ‘airplane’ mode of learning (ie all face the front, listen to the annoucements, switch off your digital media..the plane is about to take off, driven by the sage on the stage) and at the same time produce the kind of flexible, adaptive and inter-connected citizens for the Twety First century
  • Governments must change the way they validate activity in schools (effectively assessing innovation and creativity, collaboration, inter-dependence for example).

More information on the videos

Dez Futak
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