The best innovations are sometimes both simple to grasp, elegant in the solution they create, and almost always obvious in retrospect.
PayPal’s “” idea ticks all 3 checkboxes, providing individuals, startups and solopreneurs alike with a quick and easy way to invoice for services, creating payment links “on the fly” like this:
for example.
Simple to grasp, elegant and super-quick to set up.
There are so many ways this can be used; here’s some quick ideas:
…this is obviously just the tip of a very large iceberg in terms of how could be used.
But you can already see that with a bit of preparation on your part, you can leverage in all sorts of creative ways to help with better cashflow, give new clients a low risk way to get on-board, and a whole bunch more.
How about a tip jar for Bloggers, with a WordPress plugin that gives the reader an Ajax-based dropdown where they select the amount they want to tip and then pay via in just a few clicks)?
Or maybe something similar to the above for a yard sale, or even you’re own Etsy-style “pay what you reckon” e-commerce page, where visitors can choose from a range of prices?
What ideas can you come up with that will help your business using