I was going to keep quiet about this. But I'm spilling the beans about mobile marketing instead.

The reason? Well, just as social media (Facebook & Twitter mostly) has become mainstream, so too will mobile marketing within a very short space of time.

You might already be using it for your business. If so, just say "Pah!" and move along to more important things now.

If you're not yet using mobile marketing – which can include QR codes – then I reckon your business will be missing out big time, not too far in the future from now.

Oh, by the way, if you're still not using Twitter & Facebook (AND YouTube in my opinion), then you should also stop reading now. Get on the phone and give me a call, and I'll show you how you can create a simple Facebook fanpage for free.

So, then, what's all the fuss about QR codes?

Well, about 6 months back, I was passing an Estate Agents (or Real Estate 'shop', if you're not from the UK & reading this!).

And it had a QR code attached to the shop window.

So why would a place advertising Real Estate do that then?

Well, if you have a smartphone (and in N America approx. 29% or so people now have one1), you are – at least at the present time – 72% likely to respond to the presence of a QR code in a newspaper, shop window, or some other form of advertising, according to a recent QR usage survey2.

So what does that mean for you, if you run a business?

Obviously, a big opportunity.

With smart phones rapidly becoming the norm within the next few years, you are at a big advantage if you can position your business at the head of the game.

And I haven't even begun to talk about ways to combine QR codes, SMS short codes and email marketing into a seamless sales funnel yet.

And how about combining all THAT with your Facebook Fan Page, Twitter feed and YouTube channel?

You have got those, right?


If not, maybe we should have a conversation, (or Tweet or text!).

I'll be detailing more ideas that you can steal from this site soon, so stay tuned!

Lastly, if you want to make one of those pretty patterns above, visit the QR Code Generator page now.



1. http://blog.nielsen.com/nielsenwire/online_mobile/us-smartphone-battle-heats-up/

2. http://mghus.com/qr-code-survey-results

Dez Futak