The Internet: A million ways to earn a million dollars

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Don’t get me wrong – making money on the internet can be a big challenge (as my family knows all too well!).

Over the last two years since discovering the leverage the internet can offer business, I’ve mainly been focussing on two distinct ways of generating income:

– helping small businesses get online

-learning the skills of internet marketing to gain money for my own business.

It’s the latter which promises the most leverage. Of course, if the whole economy was based online, traditional “brick & mortar” business would collapse through lack of custom. And in many cases, face-to-face transactions are still far better than their online equivalents.

What the internet is currently offering literally millions of people is a million ways to earn a very decent living, without being tied down to a traditional employee/employer relationship and all the hassle and poor pay that is invariably commenplace across so many sectors.

Plus, if you become very successful at what you can do, you can decide how you want to spend your time, and with whom.  And reading the menu from left to right becomes a luxery few can afford in such uncertain times.

In my case, the great allure is to be able to organise my life around my children, rather than the other way around.

In fact, I’ll be bold enough to say that I’m not interested in the million bits of paper one iota. I don’t want the million bits of paper (or their equivalent in my bank account).

What I really want is to be able to make a difference in the world. To be able to help fulfill the dreams of others, my children included.

I believe we only have one life. I want to make the most of it. To bring something of eternity’s breath into our frail but beautiful world.

How about you? Tell me your dreams & realizations below.

Dez Futak
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