
20 Qualities of People Who I Want to Work With

As you might know by now, I’m part of a community of people who are committed to mastering the changes necessary to…

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The Ethics Of Affiliate Marketing

Recently, a well known internet marketer (Eric Holmlund), was contacted by a disgruntled customer, who had been ripped off by someone Eric…

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Fight From Victory, Not For Victory

What exactly does it mean to fight from victory? Put in another phrase, and it’s clearer: Fight from a position of victory….

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Goodbye Technology Revolution. Hello Information Revolution

If you’re a regular reader of this Blog, you’ll know that I regularly comment on topics such as marketing, the world economy,…

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The Global Economic Meltdown?

New York Stock Exchange – City fears of ‘Great Depression Mark II’ Photo: REUTERS Edmund Conway, the Times Newspaper Economics Editor, reported…

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Running To Make Difference (OK, walking/Jogging!)

Update Video! Visit http://RunDezRun.com for latest updates! I’m running (OK, I admit – walking & jogging!) the Bristol 10K today to raise…

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Goal-Setting Tip: Control The Controllables

There are many things we cannot control in life (pause for 20 seconds if you want to think of some examples!). But…

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Are You an Artisan or a Hack?

In his book The War of Art, Steven Pressfield outlines and fleshes out the battle of creativity and artistry that any entrepreneur…

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Get WWN: Mike Dillard's "What's Working Now?" Out at Noon Central Time

If you’d like to learn how to generate more leads, and more cash for your Network Marketing or MLM business, without having…

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Who are Your Internet Marketing 'Heroes'?

This is a no-fluff, fun post! I want your feedback, so scroll to the end, past my mugshot/signature, and add your comment!…

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Dez Futak