Personal Development

Key Characteristics to Successful Leadership in Business part 1

Notes from a Business Trainee These notes are transcripts and personal additions that I’ve added, taken from the daily Wake-up Conference calls….

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What's Inside Your Head?

Aaron Parkinson & Jay Kubassek hosting their annual ’10 for 10′ conference in New York City. What do you Hope to Achieve…

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Internet Marketing 101: Adopt a Mission that is Bigger than You

If you’re new to internet or network marketing, you might be amongst those who’ve started purely for financial reasons. You might be…

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You're just going to have to figure out what it wants. What is its motivation?

If you’ve been involved in your own business, offline or online, you’ll know what the title is about. The phrase is forever…

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The 4 Hour Work-week

As incredible as it may seem,  I’ve just finished read a book by Tim Ferriss with this title: you can read more…

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Tony Robbins: Why We Do What We Do

– A great motivational speech, given back in 2006, but in no way dated! (Funny how 3 years is considered a long…

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Dez Futak