Chris Pearson is a great model of what business should be like: he is using his skills to help others. Not only that, but he is willing to put himself out there and let other people know what’s happening. Read more
Dan Zarella from Hubspot recently presented a superb study he has completed on the Science of ReTweets, and how they can be usefully be applied in a marketing context. He gathered data from over 100,000,000 (yes, that really is Read more
The message of the above video is surely that with the advent of the MIT (Media Interwoven Trio) of Facebook, YouTube & Twitter (not fogetting the hundreds of socialbookmarking sites!!), there has never been a time in history Read more
1:25:52 PM: Quotes to Feed the Soul: 1. Get comfortable being uncomfortable
1:26:14 PM: 2. If you want something different to happen, you have to do something different.
1:26:29 PM: 3. When others slack off, you Read more
If you’ve just started up in internet marketing, you might feel an adrenaline rush when you stumble across Twitter, or Facebook.
The scenario goes something like this:
“Hmmm, I could send loads of links to my offers using Twitter Read more
This is pretty big news: you can read the full article in the Search Engine Journal here:
Here are my comments (which you can view here: ) on whether or not there’ll be a similar marriage between Google Read more
….and he works for free too!
How do you use Twitter – Click here for the survey; it’ll take you no more than a couple of minutes!
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Twitter, the new social media sensation of 2009, has, at the time of writing, gone down. Well, there is a website there – but presumaly it’s some marketers who are taking avantage of the dns being Read more